American Counsel Association President Tom Bolt welcomed the delegates to the European Circuit Annual Conference in Rome at opening reception at the Hotel de la Ville. Bolt with Gerard McDermott, Q.C., President of the European Circuit of England and Wales, and Andrew Colvin of Studio Coggiatti, the co-sponsor of the opening reception.
In opening remarks, ACA President Bolt noted that each of the delegates were a part of history in the first meeting of the American Counsel Association, the oldest association of independent law firms, and the European Circuit. "I pledged to build bridges throughout the legal community upon entering office as President of the ACA, and building bridges is what we are doing," Bolt said.
The joint meeting will continue throughout the weekend with meetings at the Supreme Court of Cassation with Italian Deputy Attorney General President Carbone. The ACA/European Circuit meeting is in conjunction with the the European Attorneys Generals at the Palazzo di Giustizia Aula Magna on Telematic Proceedings.
Other dignitaries that will address the meeting include President of the IIIrd CIvil Division of the Supreme Court of Cassation, Cons. Dr. Nicastro and President of the College of Judges, Cons. Dr. Fiduccia, and ACA Past Presidents Pamela A. Bresnahan of Washington, D.C. and Barbara Howard of Cincinnati, Ohio.
The ACA/European Circuit Conference will address "Strategic Issues in International Litigation" and "Living Law: The Innovative Role of Case Law".